Friday, February 13, 2009

The 6 things that should be avoided in educating children

What will happen if children grew up in conditions that met with violence? Of course, he will adopt ways that often refer to it later in their lives. Although not always, the environment is very influential on the life of the child, including how to educate their parents.
Children who grew up in a comfortable situation of families with children of different, which is always given the physical punishment by parents. Unfortunately, not a few parents who do not know how to provide a good environment for optimal growth of children. As a result, children are not growing as expected.
Well, here are the 10 things that should be avoided in educating children:

1.Too weak, for example, always meet all the demands of children. Children not taught to recognize the rights and obligations. As a result, children become too plaintiff, impulsive (easy calculation without taking action), selfish, and does not consider the interests of others.
2.Too pressing, for example, parents set too and directing the child, regardless of children's rights to determine their own desires, or to develop interests and activities he wanted. As a result, the child will be a slow, always work according to the command, have no foundation, and rebellious. 3.Perfeksionis Parents claim child to show maturity or target a certain attitude that is generally beyond the ability of propriety owned children. As a result, children will be obsessed for the achievement of expected parents. He also will become too hard and critical of himself.
4.Give attention not only to provide parents a little time to consider each child's development, or helping children through step-by-step development. As a result, children can not afford to build relationships with their environment and will grow into children who are impulsive.
5.Health will be too anxious parents worry too excessive physical condition of children. In fact, objectively, healthy children. Just a little sick, the elderly cemasnya ask forgiveness. As a result, children will be easy to feel healthy and do not participate feel the same fear. Reluctant to play, fear of falling, and so forth.
6.Pamper, for example, continue to ply children with expensive goods or providing special services, without considering what the real needs of children. As a result, children can be children who are easily bored, lack of initiative, and have no power struggle.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Your child's fussy and did not want to sleep? They were often awakened at night and ask for milk, and before bed have disuapi? Try to follow the descriptions and expert advice two children Karen Kaplan, MD from Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine AS, Silberstein P, and Warren. Zero to Three Months Most babies adjust the schedule the day and three night sunday after birth. To mempercepatnya, you need to reduce the things that disrupt their sleep at night, such as lighting the lamp. In the afternoon days, they always try to be active at least 20 minutes after eating, merangsangnya with the flat, the sound or music other games. Some babies start sleeping always asleep at the age of one month. Then, they sleep six to eight hours between the age of two to three months. Very normal if the baby fall asleep after breast fed because satisfied or comfortable is warmth in the mother's body.more...